An Arab critic considers “The Ruler’s Dress” to be perhaps the angriest attack on political systems and their representatives that can be found in modern Arabic literature. The theme of Ibrahim al-Koni’s new novel is power and its carcinogenic character: it deforms people both mentally and physically; Only death brings “healing”. Al-Koni explores the tyrant’s soul more thoroughly than almost anyone else and presents the effect of power on its holder and the reaction of those around him to his behavior. The author succeeds in making the debate applicable to every ruler in the world, including those in the Middle East To let realities shine through clearly: the potentate who, as an outsider, is elevated to his position by the leader’s messenger. The potentate who immediately abuses his new position to wage private feuds. The potentate who establishes himself more and more firmly and relentlessly in his office. The potentate who breaks all rules in order to fulfill personal desires and vanities and squeezes his subjects more and more brutally. Finally, the potentate, who only “steps down” from his post through death.