Omar al-Hamzawi is a successful lawyer in Cairo, 45, married and father of two daughters. One day he realises that he is trapped in a stale everyday life full of compromises, in which the ideals he once fervently defended no longer have a place. Omar then decides to free himself from the burden of bourgeois existence and leave his family. Reckless and desperate at the same time, he throws himself into an intoxicating life without limits, beyond all conventions and taboos.
أصدقاء خان الجنوب الأعزاء،
ستغلق المكتبة أبوابها من يوم الخميس ٢٧ تموز\يوليو وحتى يوم الإثنين ١٤ آب\اغسطس.
جميع الطلبات المحجوزة في تلك الفترة سترسل إليكم بعد يوم ٢٠ آب\اغسطس.
Dear Friends,
Khan Aljanub will be closed from Thursday, July 27th to Monday, August 14th.
All orders will be sent to you after August 20th.