Israel – Palästina: Hintergründe eines Konflikts


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Paperback. Condition: New. New material – Alain Gresh is dedicated to both the roots of the conflict between Israel and Palestine and the very latest developments. In addition to the fact-rich and clear presentation, he asks the sensitive and always taboo questions in this context – and does not shy away from taking a stand. He measures the demands of the warring parties against universal criteria: against the principles of humanism, without which, according to Gresh, a lasting and peaceful solution seems hardly conceivable. “Convinced of the power of reason and the need to overcome prejudices, I tried , to understand the supposedly complicated Orient and to convey this understanding.«

الوزن 240 جرام
رمز المنتج: 9783293204515 التصنيف: الوسوم: ,


Paperback. Condition: New. New material – Alain Gresh is dedicated to both the roots of the conflict between Israel and Palestine and the very latest developments. In addition to the fact-rich and clear presentation, he asks the sensitive and always taboo questions in this context – and does not shy away from taking a stand. He measures the demands of the warring parties against universal criteria: against the principles of humanism, without which, according to Gresh, a lasting and peaceful solution seems hardly conceivable. “Convinced of the power of reason and the need to overcome prejudices, I tried , to understand the supposedly complicated Orient and to convey this understanding.«

معلومات إضافية

الوزن 240 جرام