A new narrative of motherhood, moving between of interior and exterior landscapes, woven of diaries, readings, and photographs.Iman Mersal intricately weaves a new narrative of motherhood, moving between interior and exterior landscapes, diaries, readings, and photographs to question old and current representations of motherhood and the related space of unconditional love, guilt, personal goals, and traditional expectations. What is hidden in narratives of motherhood in fictional and nonfictional texts as well as in photographs?
أصدقاء خان الجنوب الأعزاء،
ستغلق المكتبة أبوابها من يوم الخميس ٢٧ تموز\يوليو وحتى يوم الإثنين ١٤ آب\اغسطس.
جميع الطلبات المحجوزة في تلك الفترة سترسل إليكم بعد يوم ٢٠ آب\اغسطس.
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